The Antonine Guard Roman Research Society
E-mail the Antonine Guard here
Or contact:
The Antonine Guard
29 Letham Rise
St Davids Bay Fife
Scotland UK
KY11 5FW
Our Legion
The Present Day Guard
The Antonine Guard was formed in 1996. It is a Roman Historical /
Re-enactment group concentrating on the period of Roman occupation
of Scotland in the 1st and 2nd centuries AD.
Our prime aim is to promote a greater awareness of Roman Scotland for
the general public. We do this through the public demonstration of the
military and civilian life of the period, with a strict adherence to
accuracy. Another major tenet of our approach is co-operation with
academic and educational authorities to help to accrue and disseminate
knowledge of this period.
Keep up the good work. thnx!